Trauma Quiz

Survive to Thrive with Arrive Coaches

Group Divorce Support

An 8-week support group for women navigating the chaos of divorce

Divorce is a unique kind of trauma—one that should never be experienced alone. 

And yet, so many women find themselves isolated by the chaos that comes with the end of a relationship—especially when that relationship is toxic, abusive, or manipulative. 

When the breaking point finally comes and the papers are filed, you hope to feel free. 

You assume you’ll find support. 

Instead, you stand alone…





You want to tell your story, but there’s only so much you can say to friends and family before their own baggage or flawed perspective gets in the way.

They simply don’t get it. 

Or worse, they’ve picked a side, and it’s not yours.  

The good news is, there is another way to share your story: 

inside a tight, confidential circle of people who get it, because they’re living it too.

Divorce is hard. 

You need a healthy, safe space to express yourself.

To be told that, eventually, it will be okay… that sometime soon, you’re going to breathe again. 

To hear from people who are two steps ahead… that they survived & you can too.  

To encourage those who are two steps behind… that you see your story in theirs & it gets better. 

Emotions aside, you’re staring at a litany of practical challenges:  

→ The kids

→ The house

→ The finances

→ The pets 

→ The friend group

The list goes on and on.  

Talk it through in a safe, judgment-free zone with people who truly understand. 

Because the truth is… 

You deserve to be seen. 

You deserve to be heard. 

And you need someone in your corner telling you
it’s all going to be okay. 

I Need This!

Meet Your Facilitator

I’m Micah Laughlin, a licensed therapist, trauma-resilience coach, and your facilitator during this 8-week divorce support group. 

As a survivor of a toxic divorce myself, I know how important it is to have a safe, objective place to process your thoughts and feelings with people who get it. A space free of judgment, full of understanding, filled with people who understand in a way others can’t.

I know what it’s like to have the public narrative rewritten by a toxic spouse. 

I know the loneliness that comes when loved ones take their side. 

And I know how amazing it feels to finally be free from it all, living life on your own terms for once.

My goal as your facilitator is to provide a confidential, safe space where you can be seen, heard, and supported as you work through an immensely difficult season of life. 

Arrive Coaches Group Divorce Support

Your safe place to land in the midst or aftermath of a traumatic divorce. 


I am Interested!

Arrive Coaches Group Divorce Support

Your safe place to land in the midst or aftermath of a traumatic divorce. 


I am Interested!

In this 8-week group support program, you will be free to...   

Tell your story honestly, to people who believe you.

Stop feeling like you’re all alone with no support

Get objective feedback from people who won’t judge you

Go from dreading each day to waking up ready for anything

Find support from people facing similar situations

Allow yourself to see life beyond the mess & chaos

All of this inside a tight circle of peers, led by a trauma-trained facilitator who will guide conversations in a safe, gentle way.

The Arrive Coaches Divorce Support Group includes the following: 

➡️  8 weekly 90-minute Zoom sessions

➡️  Facilitated by a licensed therapist as your group coach

➡️  Maximum group size of 8, with no new attendees allowed after week 1

➡️  A completely confidential, safe space to be heard, supported, encouraged, and believed

➡️  A place to disclose those parts of your story you can’t talk about anywhere else

Each week, you will leave your session feeling calm & supported knowing that everything is going to be okay.

The program investment is $720 paid in full.
If you prefer to split your payment, the cost will be two payments of $397 each.


Join the Waitlist

You can choose to navigate a messy divorce on your own, but you’ll feel so much better being in the company of supportive people who get it.


Don’t weather the storm of divorce alone. 



Believe it right now or not, your best life is waiting for you on the other side of divorce. Let’s get there faster together. 


Groups forming soon. Â